Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Random GIF stuff from me (PART 1)

Do you know GIFPAL?
Dark-nii-chan taught me how to use it since he was making GIFs for his blog and such. Aaand . . . through the times I'm using it, here's part 1 xD

Me holding Steven at 2 Months Old while sis photobombing
the laptop computer

Hmm . . . you can insert upbeat music with this GIF though,
but I was listening to Meghan Trainor's Title xD

Okay. That silent fangirl squeals by this artwork by Jeffiz1324
on deviantArt. You know how I do adore Eliphaz so much,
and so my silent squeals xD

This was taken a day ago when I was watching 
one of my latest GIFs. The next day, my flu gone worse.

My first GIF (yah, my hair was still long, and don't worry,
the phone's still alive). It's about how you'll react when your
phone's OS lagging

You know, GIFPAL is really easy to use and the GIFs are easy to be downloaded! Simply follow the instructions in the site and you'll have your own GIF ~ Share it with your friends and get laughed by their faces!


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